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the section titled ‘don fabi’ will be showcased as a project containing a series of products developed within the factory but as a kind of side job. 


it consists of two assistive products developed by request for don fabian, specifically for his son, who suffered severe neurological trauma leaving him in a vegetative state, due to a car accident. 

as mentioned in the previous page, don fabian is an employee at the factory and a man of scarce resources.


the second part of this project represented a bigger challenge. the request was to build a stander that would serve as an aid for the user to be able to receive adequate physiotherapy in his home. 

the main purpose of this assistive product was to allow the user to go from a lying position to a standing position. additionally, the product had to allow the patient to be transported around the house.



design a wooden stander to be produced from plywood using a cnc router.

the stander must allow for securing the torso, head, shoulders, arms, legs, and feet of the user in a standing position and allow the user to be transported within its surroundings. 

the product had to be produced with as little material as possible using as few resources as possible within a week. the idea is that it is as economical as possible for don fabian to be able to afford it.

the following product was designed to facilitate physical therapy required by the user. he must be able to be in a standing position for a specific set of exercises as well as lying down. in this context the product serves as a stander and as a movable stretcher. 

due to the various limitations of this project, them being a very limited budget and limited time among others, the goal was to deliver the product up to the point of wood ensemble. leaving the finishing touches up to don fabi and his family.

the following content was provided periodically by don fabian. the modifications observed in the next images were all made by him and his daughters, the user's sisters.

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